The Florida Museum of Natural History hosted an exhibit in 2006 that featured quilts that depicted 'natural Florida'. I had a quilt that was juried into that exhibit,
Secrets of the Suwannee.That quilt was pretty popular at the exhibit and made it into a couple of very nice press articles. It was the catalyst for my career as a quilt... okay, here I hesistate much too long, trying to decide how to describe what I am... teacher? professional? lecturer? Anyway, it pushed me into my current state as a quilt lady that some people know.
It is a nice quilt. I have a better appreciation for it now, but at the time I didn't think it was so fantastic, just another of my creations. Here are some pictures of it.

The Secrets of the Suwannee

detail of bottom right

detail of top right

detail of bottom left
It is a collage of animals you might see if you float down the Suwannee River, against a backdrop of Florida as I see it. The blue border meanders into and through the quilt, that's the actual 'map' of the river from the Okeefenokee Swamp in Georgia to the point it passes the Stephen Foster State Cultural Center in White Springs, FL.
The exhibit was a total success for the museum and they immediately made plans to host another. Quilting Natural II opens tomorrow, Feb. 6th, 2010. I am happy to say that another of my quilts was accepted to be displayed for the new exhibit. "Road 9, Crandall Pasture" is not of the same caliber as "Secrets of the Suwannee", (I can say that 'cause they're my quilts) and some of the other quilts in this exhibit are absolutely stunning. So, my quilt just blends in with the exhibit, not a knockout like the last time. But I am completely tickled to be there!
Gerald and I drove down to Gainseville, had a nice dinner, then attended the preview party. Gerald lurked all night, standing near my quilt to eavesdrop. He was funny, a couple of times coming to drag me over to hear what was being said or to show me off.

Here he is, admiring another quilt, made by David Strom (sp?).
It was nice to visit with friends from all over the state that I don't get to see very often.
Here is a link to the museum if you'd like more info... hope you get to see the exhibit sometime this Spring.