Friday, June 21, 2013

One Crazy Week!

Last week we stayed at the lakehouse. I have we saw manatees in the canal for the first time ever! Six gentle giants came and ate grass at our bulkhead for almost an hour.
Then we came home.
What a crazy week!
First I had to make 3 art quilts. One as a commission and two to replace sold items at the gallery.
Yes, I am still making birds and leaves in bleach discharge, it's what people like, plus it's just fun.

Here I am a few months ago, in front of the Home Depot Mural.
I painted it, incorporating things like the company core values in the palm fronds, the customer service proctocol into the waves, etc. While I was 15 feet up in the air, a lady came by and said she would like a mural painted. I said ok.

This week, on top of every thing else, it was time to paint another mural.
Here it is.... the 3-D items were already there, the task was to incorporate the style of those pieces and continue the scene onto the wall. Bring them altogether with a background. The hardest part, other than climbing onto a ladder and wallowing around on the floor, was painting around and behind these pieces.

Oh, and go back to work and meet a couple of deadlines at Home Depot. And did I mention that my child came home from camp with a shoulder injury? Dr. visits, MRI, prescriptions, chicken soup,
No big deal.
I got this.

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