There is a photo contest at work. I have a new camera. The contest is monthly and the winner of the previous month gets to pick the topic of the current month. This month's topic is "Old Tombstones". The winner from last month's "Storm Clouds" has chosen this topic and already posted her challenge. It is a picture of Lester Moore's tombstone in the Boothill Cemetary of Tombstone, AZ. The site is very touristy, many many people take the same exact photo, standing in the same exact place.
I have lost 2 months so far. I would like to eventually submit a photo good enough to win. Here are my photos of some "old tombstones", tell me which ones to submit. I can submit two.
Praying Angel
Little Lamb

All Lined Up
Little Girl
Question: Do you think taking pics of tombstones is morbid or fascinating or morbidly fascinating?
There is a graveyard in Fernandina that is very old and beautiful to boot, called Bosque Bello. It has some prominent residents, and some very interesting life stories within it's fences. I could take an afternoon to go there and have a photo shoot with dead folks. They don't make sudden movements and they aren't worried about their makeup. These photos were taken in a small cemetary just a half mile away.