Saturday, January 30, 2010

Network of GOOD friends

I love the connections I have. I don't mean I know super high profile, connected, powerful people. Not judges, or stars or musicians, just good people.
My cousin explained to me that she has a friend who councils young mothers who have had a troubled birth, and the baby has died or is in serious medical trouble. She wondered did I know anyone that could knit tiny baby caps that are used to keep the baby warm and to give to the mother as a keepsake.
I asked a friend in my small group, the Yulee Stitchin' Sisters, who heads up a prayer shawl ministry. Lo and Behold, she had been looking for someone to connect with so she could do that very thing! She pulled out a binder where she already had the patterns for several caps!
Then I asked my larger group, the All Stars QG, and several ladies asked for patterns.
Then I go to my other group, the Bad Girl's Pie Club, to have pie of course, and what do I see?Here she is, a little elf, not only hosting a bunch of Bad Girls for pie, but knitting with no less than FIVE NEEDLES at the time! Now that's talent, folks. And what, you might ask, was she taking FIVE NEEDLES to knit?
A tiny baby cap smaller than a coffee cup. Isn't that the littlest, cutest thing? After getting approval for that one (she does the most exquisite handwork) she pulls out...

A BIG bag full of tiny caps! WOW! Oh, she says, they go really fast, as she starts a new one. Thank you, little elf, you are such a good lady.
I can't wait to turn this in to my prayer shawl friend and see her eyes light up! I have really good connections. Maybe I couldn't get out of jail with a phone call (if ever I ended up there) and I know I can't get my kids into the best college because of who I know. I do know many, many, many caring, loving people who want to do GOOD in the world.

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