When walking through the woods, you should carry a stump-knocker: a long branch or stick. You can use it for a walking stick, this lets all the critters know that you're coming their way. Most people are deathly afraid of snakes, but are unaware that snakes are deathly afraid of people.
Just knock around some with your stick, especially around the stumps, and they'll stay away from you.

But if you want to see more wildlife, try to tread lightly and don't knock any stumps. Just watch and listen more carefully so you don't walk up on something. The trick is to see them before they see you. Then you might get a few seconds to take a picture or just stare in wonder.

Some animals get accustomed to people and are curious. Mostly curious if you are carrying food or not.

Don't forget to look up. All that time you're looking for snakes on the ground and freaking out about big cats or gators, you could be missing the show up in the trees.

Lastly, the best advice I have for walking in the woods, is to go with a human friend. You can hold hands and share secrets that no one will ever tell, and share in the wonders around you.
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