Back story: My daughter is a wonderful, creative and talented young lady. She likes theater. She likes to perform and sing, not necessarily always on a stage. She is good at it. Always draws a crowd, she's witty and clever and quick. Her teen idol is not a hip hop artist you hear on the Pop radio station, nor is it a young, hot movie star. It's a theater kid. He is part of a group that originated in Michigan University Fine Arts department. They perform parodies on the internet and go on tour around the country. He is not an adonis. He is a normal looking fella. But she is gonna marry him someday! Oh my!
Turns out he is coming to Jacsonville as a featured singer for a hip hop artist, George Watski. Not your normal kind of hip hop artist, you know, saggy pants, gold teeth, ugly language? No, this artist does "spoken word" poetry and hip hop, a little clean cut white kid who defies stereotyping with his mad rap skills. I agree, in a moment of weakness, that this may be the only chance she gets to see Dylan Saunders LIVE, and I purchase the tickets.
I went to a hip hop concert. I enjoyed myself. These kids were extremely talented, not only was the material all original, it was thoughtful and in many cases meaningful. Then they sang the boobie song, but hey, sometimes ya gotta get silly. They played harmonica, french horn, trumpet, keyboard and organ (!), drums and (of course it's hip hop) heavy base.

Jessie met, talked to and swooned over her future husband. He sang wonderfully and even interacted with her from on stage. We were right at the stage, so her view was unobstucted the entire concert.
She declared me the best Mother in all the Universe for ALL time, from beginning to end.
I don't know about all that, but for this day everything is good.