Look! Right there in the top left corner of this pic! Proof that I am really working on something! This little girl...isn't she precious? I am trying to quilt her and frankly am afraid to quilt her face. I am almost done with all the background and will soon be forced to either quilt it or leave it alone. My friends Noreen and June took over 200 quilts to
Ethiopia and gave them to kids in an orphanage. This little girl stole my heart! I painted her when Noreen came for a visit and was showing us her photos from the trip. Later (before she was quilted) Noreen took her to Houston and hung her in their booth (Quilts without Borders) and she helped them collect 200 more quilts for a second trip. Being the queen of the last minute I am trying to finish it for a NEW trunk show
NEXT WEEK! Help me decide....quilt the face or not?

I sold the sailboat quilt a couple of years ago. I was sad at first, I missed it, and said I would one day make another one. Barbara, the clown (no really, she's a clown) that bought it, called and told me that she sent it to her dad for his 90
th birthday. He loves the sea, but is now in
Minnesota, and can't be near the ocean. He loves his new quilt and hung it right at the foot of his bed. I am using batiks from my collection and some handdyed fabrics from my friend Dave in West Pasco Quilt Guild. This one won't be as vibrant as the original, but I'm trying to use what's on hand instead of buying more.
Tough call. How has it worked out with other quilts you've made that had painted faces in them? Did you quilt the faces and regret it? Not quilt them and wish you had? If you have precedents, I think you should let them guide you.
The painting is beautiful. I think that it can stand by itself, if you want to leave it unquilted.
I have done both~ quilted w/regret and not quilted w/regret! I did not quilt her face. She is beatiful just the way she is and I didn't want to chance ruining it.
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