I went on a field trip (fabric buying excursion for those of you that don't quilt) with the Yulee Stitchin' Sisters last week. One thing led to another and this week I have a teeny tiny temporary quilt shop!

This ribbon started it all. We went to visit a lady who had closed her quilt shop and was trying to deplete her inventory from her home. The fabric was very inexpensive and abundant in quantity. I bought my share! I asked her the price for this ribbon. It was still a little high for my budget. I thought, "If I bought everything from her, I could have that ribbon and have fabric for all my friends too." Hmm...

Negotiations ensued, Father was consulted, deal was made and children were put to work. Of course I can't use the quilting frame til some of this is gone! Come on out to Parkerville and help me use up some of this fabric! I am practically giving this away at $1 to 2.50 a yard. I just thought it would be fun to share with friends this bounty.

I even have notions and other stuff, a few books and lots of ribbon and trim. Oh yea, that fabulous ribbon... $1.00 per yard!

I will be there Wednesdays and Saturdays to visit and play, and Tuesdays after lunch with the Yulee Sisters. Come on out and we'll talk quilt!
wish I lived close by I would buy lots from you! How awesome of a deal.
Had a great "Grand Opening"! Fun day spent with friends and fabric! I am so blessed.
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