This is Kristi. One of her 7 jobs (vet's assist., night attendant, doggie/housesitter, bingo number caller, semi-pro wrestler with 3 championship titles, oh I forget the other one) is serving as the youth director at our church. That should imply that she directs the youth. I think she has too much fun to actually be called a director, but I think she indirectly directs them. That is to say that the way she lives her life, (taking on any job with good cheer, joyfully serving others, honoring her mother and father like you wouldn't believe, being a happy, healthy, loving mentor to sometimes ornery, moody teenagers) is leading by example to the teens and preteens in our church. She sings in the choir too!
She is completely awesome, if the kids get crazy at youth group meetings (bickering, mood swings, pouting) she just trots them all outside for a game of foursquare, or puts them in a headlock, whichever the situation calls for.
Her wrestling persona is supposed to be one of the bad girls. When the youth group took their parents to a wrestling match, we were all instructed to boo and hiss at her instead of applauding. It was hilarious! She is supposed to come out looking mean and vicious and scream at an old lady in the front row. You should have seen all the kids' faces when she came out and screamed, "SHUT UP, GRANDMAW" at that old lady. They were in total disbelief! After watching her help all the elderly ladies at church week after week! The next Youth group meeting they were very quiet and behaved! Don't wanna make her mad, do we?

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