Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's in a name?

Ugly #2
I think I love quilting so much because of all the random thinking I do while quilting. I like the colors, the textures, the patterns, the thread, the hum (and clank) of the machine. All of these things make me think of things I would not ordinarily think.
 I have a fascination with quilt names. I think of several names for each quilt as I'm making it. Always trying out each one to see if it's the right fit. I think the name helps define the quilt, giving hints as to what the maker thinks as they are making.
Instead of Ugly #2, this one could be....
"Mushroom Chai Latte"
It's pretty psychedelic.
I couldn't help adding a little happy to it! It could be named, "Talking to myself", which I do quite frequently while quilting.
 Maybe "Jellyfish Jamboree"?
What would you name this quilt?

Anyhow...Ugly #2: DONE.


Sunnie said...

Nice quilting! much more fun to do a variety of little space fillers than some over-all pattern.
To me, there's a landscape effect...I'd call it "They're Here!", which, in my case, would refer to the UFOs!

Anonymous said...

"Moldy Soap Bubbles" or
"Oil Slick Bubbly" or
"Alien Suns"

Cheezdoodle said...

Final name is "Big Bang Theory", a small nod to theTV show, but more about creation and beauty and such. Going into the gallery, hopefully someone will love it more than I do.

Cheezdoodle said...

Someone did! It was a Christmas gift for a gentleman that fell in love with it in July! He inquired about it a couple of times, his wife snuck in and payed for it, had me hold it for several months. I enjoyed telling him a little stretch of truth the next time he came in, " I'm sorry, it sold. You'll have to move quicker next time..."