Saturday, July 17, 2010


Since last we talked, I have been a busy bee! The remaining mangos were pureed, strained and added to some freshly brewed tea and served over ice. to me. I liked it very much! It was a little cloudy looking and no one would try it with me. More for me!
I also (even when the laptop ate my message) have prepared to be the speaker at church tomorrow. Went to swim at Alexander Springs, went shopping in the rain, spent the day at Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom with two teenaged girls, and managed to avoid being involved in a terrible accident. Also, being a landlady sucks, as the A/C broke as soon as I left town. Oh yeah, the Blazer is not blazing right now! But, life is still sweet and delicious, and tomorrow I get to start again. No pictures, I am still on the very slow computer.

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