Saturday, July 10, 2010

More Mangos! Day 4
Very Good Friend and I have agreed to share a link. She enjoys her privacy, and writes her blog with a certain amount of anonymity. I like to read her blog, not only for the subject matter and her wonderful style of art, but to see her craft her words carefully so as to remain, for the most part, anonymous. I have gone through my blog to make sure I haven't inadvertently given away her identity.
Because I am terribly bored with just taking a picture every day of the mango project and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I am going to draw the mangos.
Attempting to draw as VGF describes, I draw quickly, without being too studious or careful. Looks like my cabinetmaker could have used a square ruler. I have a hard time using such a fine tip pen, and relying on just one small line to convey the shadows and depth. The reflections just look like more mangos. Like there are 8 instead of just 4.
Let's do it again with a fat tip sharpie, like VGF did yesterday. I believe she used the word cavalier to describe the drawing style. Okay, cavalier it is. Even after noticing the crooked counter from the first drawing, I do the same exact thing with this one!
I can't stand it y'all! I HAVE to! I break out the watercolors and wash it all down with some COLOR! I have to pass my fabric stash to get to the paint, and for a second I'm tempted to start grabbing greens and yellows. Then I get a hold of myself. I remember 'Mangolicious', by Ellen Lindler, a beautiful quilt, and realize I really don't want to make a quilt right now.
I think my friend is a much better artist than I am, but this does not bother me, nor will it stop me from creating.
Thank you again, VGF, for the mangos, for the friendship, inspiration and motivation!

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