Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Some buildings of note

My guest noticed this building, which is now closed.

Here is a link that gives the history of Standard Marine and Hardware.

I remember going here with my dad for boat parts. My dad has always had a boat, from the time he can remember. He had a little johnboat made from plywood that was tied to the cedar tree at the boatramp at Crandall, when he was young. I have a nice picture of him, his best friend Avery Crews and his Grannie holding a string of fish, standing on the front drive. He was about 16 in that picture. Later, he taught us to waterski by piggyback! YES! We would crawl onto his back and grab hold tight, he would give the go-ahead to the boat driver, and off we'd go for the thrill of our little lives! We all learned how to ski and to drive the boat for others by the time we were 12. We would have competitions to see who could last the longest, Marty Crews once skied all the way to the blue bridge (US 17) from the boatramp at Crandall!

Oh, back to buildings and history...

This is a link to Amelia Now's Historic tour, with a short description and pic of each building.
I love "Amelia Now". It's a quarterly magazine mainly for tourists, but I read it cover to cover most every issue.

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