My Husband, Gerald, is the choir director at Yulee United Methodist Church. Of all the good things he does, I am most proud of him for this (after being a great father and husband, of course). When we joined the church, it was a homecoming for me, as I had been raised in this very church and many members of my family still attend here. But for Gerald and the kids it was a new church. It was also strange for them, since I knew nearly everyone and they knew almost no one. As in most UM churches, the pastor left for a different appointment and in came a new one. We also lost the choir director with that move, as she was married to the outgoing minister! No one volunteered for the job and the choir dwindled down to about 5 people. They valiantly struggled on without direction for a little while. The new pastor tried to direct but was busy with trying to be a pastor!
He had no idea how much Gerald loves music when he practically begged him to help. Gerald said he would commit to a year. That also meant the choir gained 3 new members, me, Rubin and Jessica. We were off and running with 8 choir members!
We recruited like the Army! Twisting arms, making promises, bribery, whatever it takes, right?
Each one that agreed to join we'd talk them into bringing a family member or friend along too.
So in this picture there are six parent/child sets! This is Gerald's 2nd Christmas Cantata and it was awesome. He picks really big songs that they don't think they can do. Then he talks them into trying. Then he makes them practice like crazy! Here they are SMILING after standing up singing for an hour and a half! They ALL love being in the choir! That's Gerald on the far left, Jessica is the 3rd lady in front and Big Rubin in the black suit, he's our sound booth technician.
Check out the 3 goofballs on the right! That's Rubin and Weldon chillin' wit' da Pastor! They are so funny!
I am so proud of my family, they literally sing God's praises every week, using the gifts that He gave them to His glory. I couldn't ask for a better family.
He had no idea how much Gerald loves music when he practically begged him to help. Gerald said he would commit to a year. That also meant the choir gained 3 new members, me, Rubin and Jessica. We were off and running with 8 choir members!
We recruited like the Army! Twisting arms, making promises, bribery, whatever it takes, right?
Each one that agreed to join we'd talk them into bringing a family member or friend along too.

I am so proud of my family, they literally sing God's praises every week, using the gifts that He gave them to His glory. I couldn't ask for a better family.